My contribution to the world of aphorisms

I’m not exactly known for spouting words of wisdom, but every once-in-a-while I come up with an original thought that might be considered  “fortune cookie worthy.”    So here it is:

Wisdom is measured by the number of mistakes we learn from.

This thought came to me in the midst of making yet another mistake (although nothing terrible) and trying to determine what I could learn from the experience, so as to not repeat the same mistake.

Of course, we all go through life making mistakes and mis-steps. That’s just part of being human.  But if to err is human, so too, I think, is our capacity to learn from our mistakes and to take those lessons to heart.   I’ve tried my best to do this for the past decade or so and I think whatever “wisdom” I’ve accumulated has been the direct result of my so doing.

So here’s an exercise I’ve developed for myself.  Maybe it will be useful to you too.

Write down a list of memorable mistakes you’ve made.  It could be in business, when bargaining for something or making an investment, when selecting a color or model, or, dare I even think it, in your handling of a relationship with someone you care about.  Write down what you did wrong (be fair with yourself and not overly harsh) and then, most importantly, what you learned from the experience.

Your collection of learnings forms the basis of your personal bank of wisdom.  Look over your list of learnings.   What lessons did they teach you?  How will they guide you in not only avoiding a similar mistake a second or third time, but in your life in general looking forward?

Wisdom so gained is the salvation that comes from making mistakes. Learn from your mistakes, grow accordingly, and you will surely be wiser for making the effort.

And one more thing:  forgive yourself.   Only after you learn to pardon yourself can you open the doors to acceptance, realization, and growth.  In time, genuine wisdom will be yours.